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Question: Is playing guitar very hard!?!?
I luv guitar but i don't know how to play it, i really would like to learn, is it really hard!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it's actually pretty easy!. i learned it last summer and hopefully im pretty decent, i can play the chords to most songs and im 17 too so you're not too old to start learning right now!. i loved the guitar so it didn't take me that long until i started getting decent at it!. the only thing you're going to have a problem is the beginning where your fingers are nice and fresh and un-calloused, putting your fingers on the fretboard (if you're playing right handed, the left hand that does the chords) hurts a lot, but if you can play through the pain, it's really worth it!. the pain didn't stop me from practicing so hopefully it doesn't affect you either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it depends on how willing you are to learn and practice, and how musically inclined you are!. :] This is what I did when I was teaching myself guitar: instead of going with one of those "Learn To Play Guitar!" book thingies, I just went on websites to look up songs I really wanted to learn!. This way, I learned my chords and was able to use them in a way I found fun as well!.

The only thing is that if you've played another instrument beforehand, it might be a little frustrating at first to get your fingers used to the different placement and feel!. My first instrument was piano, so transitioning to guitar was a little hard for me at first, but I got used to it!.

As I said, it takes practice :]

You should definitely learn! No harm in doing so, I'd say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I don't think its too hard to learn!. The trick is to set goals you can meet!. Like start by learning three chords A E and D and then you can play songs!.!.!.Being able to play a song makes it easier to go on when the going gets tough!.

And I learned to play at 19 when i was in Rome and I needed to make some money - so I learned to play on the street corners for peoples change!.

If I can do it - anyone who really wants to can!.

Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hai dear friend!.
i will tell my experiance about music,i love music very much and tried learning bulbul!.but i used to forget what i used to learn!.and so finaly gave up!.
there are many people who love music but to listen to music and become a musician is different!.
i know a friend i never listens to music but he plays a casio at home and is very quick in learning and never forgets what is taught!.but lacks intrest in becoming a muscian!.
i think its a mix of memory and intrest and hardwork!.
to play a guitar you have the first thing the intrest!.
the remaining are how good you memorise what is thaught to you and haw hard you practise for that!.
its only after few days of playing you can know if its going to be easy or hard for you!.and yes u can learn music at 16!.

sometimes it depends which music you love to listen and what you love to play!. it will be tough at the beginning becuase you will be struggling your fingers trying to alternate through different chords and notes!. plus your fingers will grow callouses due to pressing onto the strings hard!. this will help you in your playing a lot easier so it won't hurt in the futureWww@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on how musically inclined you are!. I'm trying now, but not being awesome at music, it's coming pretty hard for me!. I know a girl who is awesome at music who mastered it in under a year!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have been a musician all my life, it takes talent and skill to play an instrument like the guitar!. It simply takes practice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com