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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Any advice on how to get better at guitar?

Question: Any advice on how to get better at guitar!?
I'm into metalcore/hardcore
and it seems I'm not getting any better!.
What should i be doing to get better!?
Learning more tabs!?
What should i do!?
Yea i can do sweeps and all that stuff but How can i push my self!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You've clearly already started completely wrong!. If you can read TAB and not sheet music, and you can do sweeps but you can't construct an Fm7b5 or know what notes make up Gm7add11alt chords, or know what scale to solo in, if a musician is playing a progression of Fm7 / Gm7 / Abm7b5 / Ebdim7 / Abm7, what use are you gonna be!?

And if you HONESTLY think that because you only play metalcore, and you don't want to know the "boring stuff" because you'll never need it, trust me pal, you will!. All the top players like Petrucci, Satriani, Vai and even the wannabes from bands like Trivium and Gorgoroth etc etc - as cool as they may look banging out power chords and sweeping and tremelo picking runs, they KNOW what they're playing!. They know exactly what notes make up the standard major sweep arpeggio, and they know exactly what notes and how many octaves they're playing, during those crazy runs in solos!.

You HAVE to learn the basics, before trying to get "better"at guitar, because there's no end!. There's no final point in guitar playing!. If you don't know the basics, and if you can't construct chords, then nobody SERIOUS in the world of music will want anything to do with you, because if a singer suddenly decides to change a song's key, you'll be stuffed!. You won't have a clue what to do, because your A minor sweep arpeggion in the solo will need to be shifted down a diminished 5th, and you need to play it there!. If you don't know what you're doin', you'll be fired on day one!.

Learn the basics, learn the chords that make up simple jazz and rock and blues songs, and don't try and be cool and learn sweeps and tapping etc, because it only impresses people who don't know about music!. If you want to impress real musicians, you need to show them that you can play ANYTHING, in any style, because you're not the usual narrowminded wannabe rock star with a flash guitar, lots of pedals, a big amp and you can sweep!. So what!? "Play me a Bbminor7add13alt chord, because we're sticking one in, in 15/8 time, for a breakdown in this metal song!."
"Ummm!.!.!. I dunno how to do that!. I can sweep though!.!.!."
"Yeah, great!. This guy here can play it, we'll use him!. Good luck though dude, you're just not for us!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, but if you look at anybody who has made it to the top, they do more than just play one style of music!. Get some classical chops, especially Paganini!. Start listening to all kinds of music and bring those influences into your own playing!. It's time to explore outside of your own back yard and experience the entire world of music!. Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just keep practising!.Www@QuestionHome@Com