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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can you still learn to sing at least decently if you start to train yourself at

Question: Can you still learn to sing at least decently if you start to train yourself at 25 years of age!?

Can you still learn to sing at least decently if you start to train yourself at 25 years of age!?

I love to sing and singing is my frustration!. I know I can't sound good but I hope it is not too late to train myself at least to learn how to properly sing!.

Cuz I really wanted to sing "I Believe" by Fantasia in front of a crowd at least once in my lifetime!.

It is a winning song and I believe that song tells so much about me and my life!.

If that event comes, I want that moment to be a great moment and not shameful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hello Cirilo,

I'm answering your question - a good one - because you mean it seriously!. Please don't be 'put off' by some straight talk, ok!?

You can still learn to sing at least decently if!.!.!.

1!. you already have some latent aptitude in singing!. This means that you enjoy singing, you naturally sing in tune and musically, (your friends who hear you sing complement your singing and may even suggest that you study voice)!.

2!. you don't try to teach yourself!. You need to locate a reputable voice teacher and put yourself under that person's instruction for two to four years if you're serious!.

3!. you dedicate a regular part of your day - every day - to practice your singing!. Learning to sing well takes work, and regular practice!.

Yes, age 25 is not too late to start, however, you need the reality check above to guide whether or not to pursue it!. I have a student who, at 22, is just beginning to take voice lessons - but he already loves to sing and has a fine instrument!.

Think about it, assess and make your decision!. If you're determined, you probably can do it successfully!.

Best wishes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Age has nothing to with success!. If you love to sing and really have the urge and desire, go for it!. That's all that matters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fantasia has been singn' her whole life probaly, so start off slow!. Get a teacher to teach you good technique!. Do some eartraining with a keyboard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To put it simply:
Yes it's possible, use resources on the internet to help :D Training your ear is one of the most important things too (tone deaf singers aren't usually great :P )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you're still young and have lots of time to practice and sing to your hearts content!.