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Question: Mezzo, aka!.!.!.!?!?
is a mezzo singer considered:

soprano 1
soprano 2
alto 1
alto 2

please help! i have a school choir audition in like 3 hours!! i have to know!!! any tips for the audition r also appreciated!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are referring to a school choir, most "mezzos" are mezzo sopranos!. And in high school, that would be the equivalent of a soprano 2, but even some first altos (alto 1) can be OK with mezzo soprano ranges!. As far as tips, make sure you drink a sufficient amount of water and stay away from phlem producers (sorry to be so gross) like milk and oranges - and stay away from caffeine and teas!. Take alot of deep breaths right before the actual audition to get plenty of oxygen to the muscles!. Other than that, best wishes!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In classical singing, such as opera, "mezzo" or "mezzo-soprano" refers to the lower of two female voices, the higher being simply "soprano!." In choir, that would translate to "alto!." As for whether you want to be alto 1 or 2, think about whether you want to sing the lowest possible part (2), or slightly higher than that (1)!. Alto 2 is lower than alto 1, but if you're a "mezzo" in choir, you'd be an "alto!."

also, tips for the audition: warm up!. If you want, bring a mug of hot water with you!. It'll warm your throat a few minutes before you sing!. Have confidence and show it!. That is, have a confident face, posture, etc!. Sing from your diaphragm and don't worry about anything, you'll do great!. Project the sound and listen to the teacher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mezzo-Soprano is one of the three female voices classification based on range!.
Differences in voice ranges is controlled by the length of the vocal cords and the size of the resonanting chambers (the chest amd lungs)!.

Within their ranges,the average singing female voice can extend an 8ve!.to a 10th BELOW AND ABOVE the following notes Using the G Cleff as reference:
Sopranos B; Mezzos G; Contraltos E!.

There are recognized SUB-VARIETIES OF VOICE such as
Dramatic Sopranos
(powerful voice and high declamatory powers);
Lyric Sopranos
(lighter quality and good cantabile style);
Coloratura Sopranos
(with market acrobatic ability and high range)!.

The term "Alto Voice" is really apply to a type of male falsetto
chiefly cultivated in Britain,where church music and the glee provided for its use!.
In the perfformance of the choruses of oratorios,etc it has been gradually superseded by the woman's Contralto Voice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mezzo means "middle" probably and alto, either 1 or 2 depending on how you feel about ur voice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com