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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are the Emi chords?

Question: What are the Emi chords!?
In jazz band, we are playing a song that has a part open for solos!. And, like most songs, the keys are written above the part!. But I was wondering what the Chords were for Emi!? I don't know if it matters but i play alto sax!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The notes in an e minor chord are e,g,b!. Add a d or d# to create two different kinds of 7th chords!.

If you are looking at the *lead sheet*, it is in concert pitch!. Since you play alto, which is in Eb, you would then have to transpose this - add 3 sharps, and you get a total of four - which would put you in c# minor - c#, e, g#!. But if the e mi symbol is on YOUR alto sax part, then go with my first sentence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aha, if I get you right, you mean E minor scale!. Next time, please don't write it Emi if you mean the scale because it's confusing!.!.!.Emi is used for the chord!.

So, the aeolian E mode, or better known as E natural minor scale, contains these notes:

E F# G A B C D!.!.!.!.mark that it has one sharp
Now you harmonize the scale, always taking the first, the third and the fifth note!.
i!.!.!.!.!.E G B!.!.!.minor
iio!.!.F# A C!.!.diminished
III!.!.!.G B D!.!.!.!.major
iv!.!.!.A C E!.!.!.!.minor
v!.!.!.!.B D F#!.!.minor
VI!.!.!.C E G!.!.!.major
VII!.!.D F# A!.!.major
Now, the first, fourth and fifth are minor!. The third, sixth and seventh are major!. The second is diminished!.

So the chords of E minor are: Emi, F#dim, G, Ami, Bmi, C, D!.
I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com