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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Flute Tonguing...Lighter?

Question: Flute Tonguing!.!.!.Lighter!?
I have this big band audition coming up, and my main problem is the way I tongue!. I tongue way too hard, and it really affects the sound of my notes, and I can't figure out how exactly to go to double/single tonguing lightly!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
WHISPER ti-ka, ti-ka, etc!. Get it as quiet as you can - and as close to the front of your mouth as you can!. Some people try Thicka, thicka - off the opening of the lips - but I hesitate to have you try that without a teacher, or it can get spitty!

also walk around whispering kitty kitty kitty!. Practice tonguing with THAT - it is backwards from the normal, and it will strengthen your opposite tongue stroke!. (C'mon guys, I trying to help a student here - NO DIRTY RESPONSES, OK!?!?!?)

Good luck with your audition!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if just tonguing!.!.!. doo-doo tongueing works, to make it light make sure you dont touch ur roof as hard!. also to 'tongue' just push ur air in different pressures!. You wont actually use your tongue but will give the same affect and it works really well when slurring

ps!.!.!.thats not dirty thats adviceWww@QuestionHome@Com