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Question: Does this indicate that I can sing!?
When I sing to myself it sounds really good, and when I record it, it sounds really good too (I've tried recording using a tape recorder, microphone, cellphone)
When I sing to people they say I'm extremely good for my age as I'm only 13 years old haha =)
But I'm still dealing with self-esteem issues!. ocassionally I have some problems controlling my voice when I sing and sometimes I think it sounds horrible but at most times it sounds good!. I'm really confused though because I think I can sing really good but at the same time I can't sing that well!. If all of this makes sense
also can anyone give me some tips on how to achieve a natural, free-flowing vibrato without forcing it!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yikes! So many questions and concerns -- let me see if I can help!. [My time is limited, so I'll be brief and to-the-point!.]

Don't use a cell phone to record yourself for evaluation!. And even the tape recorder can be iffy!. Try to find a small portable digital recorder if you want to hear what you REALLY sound like!. But above all, don't use a cell phone!

Your "self-esteem issues" have nothing to do with singing!. Of COURSE you have occasional problems controlling your voice -- you're only 13 years old, so you're voice is not that of an adult's, and therefore is still subject to being unreliable and uncertain!.

You ask for tips about vibrato and how not to force your voice!. I'm sorry, but no one can do that without hearing you in person!. Every person's voice is different and has a unique combination of strengths and weaknesses, so someone would need to hear you live to offer guidance!. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you find a teacher in your city -- at your young age, you don't need weekly lessons!. See someone about once per month, get some vocal exercises to do, and do them faithfully!. And no, there is no such thing as an online teacher -- would an Olympic gymnast train with a coach who wasn't in the same room!? :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

try using a portable recorder !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.it depends on whether you are a talented singer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you think you might have a good voice, there is one way to find out, and that is to have a voice teacher listen to you sing and give you some sort of feedback!.

The voice teacher can help you train your voice and also can help you get control of it, so you do not have situations like you describe!.

You cannot, listening to yourself, have any idea how good your voice is because when you sing (or talk or whatever) the sound is also conducted through the bone of your head, and anyway, even if you could hear yourself clearly, you aren't a good judge of whether a voice is good or not!. Your voice is still undeveloped and in its infancy!. Only a professional can give you accurate feedback!.

If you want to sing very well, it will take a lot of time, patience and work, but if you stick with it, you'll be able to at least have a lot of fun, and you might actually find a livelihood for the rest of your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com