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Question: Vocals, live shows!?
What do I need!? A PA system right!? What exactly is that!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You'll need a power amp and mixing board (or just get a powered mixing board)!.
2 speakers!.
2 speaker cables
Microphone and microphone cable

If you will be using a karaoke machine, you'll need that and a cable to hook that in also!.

Bare essentials to get you started!. You will eventually want some vocal effects!.!. maybe you can find a powered mixing board with that built in!.

edit- you can find packaged deals for PA's in www!.musiciansfriend!.com- worth checking it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just vocals!?
well if your'e singing with a music track, pre-recorded, you will need an amplified microphone and possibly and amp!. yeh an amp!.Www@QuestionHome@Com