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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Riverdance, what is the story it presents ? read :?

Question: Riverdance, what is the story it presents !? read :!?
My 2 grand daughters ages 7 and 5 love to watch the video of Riverdance and I don't know the story all the songs and dances are telling!. Do you know the story of what is being told in the Riverdance performance> ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I haven't seen it in something like 12 years, but I found this on the Riverdance FAQ's:

"The story of the show is the story of the journey of the Irish people, from the settling of Ireland to their departure to the new world, in which they met with other cultures!. The first act deals with their settling of the land, and the various legends which appeared in that period, while the second act deals with their departure from their island, their arrival in the New World, and their meeting of other cultures, with which they interacted!."Www@QuestionHome@Com