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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are some ways I could improve my singing?

Question: What are some ways I could improve my singing!?
I love musical theater , but I can't take choir (orchestra,english and drama classes!.!.!.) what are ways I could improve my voice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah definetely breathing
its the most important thing once weve established you can actually sing

to really fill up as you breathe, breathe as low into your belly as possible, filling up the tummy first, then the ribs and into your back!. everrrrytime for a big breath

everyday you need to do limbering up' exercises!.
start standing up with you head dropped on your chest!. then breath in through your nose filling as above, while you lift your head!. Then blow out on a 'woooooooh' as you drop you head and repeat!.!.

then, standup and bend you knees slightly, swing your arms infront and behind you about 5 times, bending down from your knees slightly as you do this, and lift you arms right up over you head as you breathe in filling up fully, right to the brim!. stand there with you hands as high as they can go, feeling that bursting feeling and then let it out on a loud hiss, dropping your arms slowly!.

those will help you with your breathing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Private lessons! A good teacher can be expensive, but it is well worth it!. Good teachers can also be hard to find, but it's possbile!. Different teachers teach different styles from classical to contemporary!.!.!. Call a music store, ask your school music teacher, find a local choir and ask around!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pick a song and then print out the lyrics, put it on your iPod or play it online and sing it along and keep turning down the iPod so you can listen to yourself!. It sounds stupid but I do it all time, so I can see if I sound like im supposed to!. It really helps! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

can you take private vocal lessons!?
if you can, definitely do
if not, work on breathing, tone, and pitches
also, make sure you can sight singWww@QuestionHome@Com

practice, practice, singing lessonsWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you attend a church, ask to sing in the choir!. It's free for one, but you will learn a LOT about singing while there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
