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Question: Becoming a guitar teacher!?!? HELP!?
I ve been playing guitar for over ten years, i went to music school and studied classical guitar although i also play rock
(but i learned that on my own)!. Now i want to start giving lessons, but only rock lessons to beginners, and im not sure were to begin
Could it be something like: 1)guitar parts and tuning 2) then i dont know if start with open chords or the notes on the fret 3) using the pick and also fingerstyle 4) a couple of easy songs 5) barre chords

What do you think!?!? any sugestions!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I start students off by teaching the read real music notation rather than those TABs, because once they can read music, they don't have to rely on finding a piece of music someone translated for them!.

If they know nothing, it takes no more effort to learn to read notes than TABs!. The, I start working on simple songs that can be played with 3 chords, and then build from there!.

I insist they buy a tuner and, by the 3rd lesson, they need to have a metronome!. I may be old fashioned, but I believe it's easier to LEARN it early on than have to UN-LEARN it after they have been playing a few years and can't figure out why they have not been able to progress for a year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go teach at a local music store!. You will have to share your income with them, but once you have a good amount of students you can quit teaching at the store and begin teaching privately at home!.

I think you should start out with a little note reading and easy one-note-at-a time songs because ideally every guitar player should read at least a little!. Then, as they get better, ask the student what style of music they like and go from there, teaching them only what they want to know!. Unless the student is really serious about going on with music, then teach them to be well-rounded in all sorts of genres!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some guitar stores offer lessons for students, call or go to those stores, and ask if they will hire you as a Guitar teacher, that way you will, hopefully, always have students that will return to you for lessons, as well as tell their friends!.
Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try to teach the kids a simple song that they don't need chords for ( seven nation army) so they feel like they can play something!. Once they have that song down start them into the chords then use that to move into scales and theoryWww@QuestionHome@Com