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Question: Alcohol && Stage Fright!?
if youve done this before that would help a lot! I know my limit in drinking and I know how to control myself infront of people && make myself not look drunk!. But i have to give a 3 page presentation tommarow infront of about 60 students [ 3 english classes] && im nervous as hell!!!! i was thinking about taking 2 shots of liqiuor before i do it but will that take the nerves away!. Because at partys, i can be shy sometimes around people i dont know or not very comfortable with but when i drink i dont care at all and have a good time!. I wonder if i can be like that while im presenting!? help me out here pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well yeah alcohol will calm you down and relax you!. But, you don't want to smell like liquor so I recommend gum or something along those lines!. There are pills available such as valium that also help calm the nerves!. I know how you feel, I used to hate public speaking!. Once you do it enough successfully, its not as bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am an actor myself!.!.!.!. I don't really bother about stage fright, I am just used to it and when I go out there I am trying to have a blast and fun time!. However, alcohol does help in many ways, first it calms your nerves down, when it does so!.!.!. you get everything out of you which can get you an A or a great applause!.!.!. So, my suggestion if you are that frightened is to take liqueur and forget about people, pretend that those people are not even there, it is just an illusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

look ok, 1 shot to calm your nerves!.!.you don't want to smell like you've been drinking!.!.!.and buy some minty gum and chew like mad before you speak and then spit it out!.!.trust me 3 shots is too many, it will come out through the pores in your skin no matter what you are wearingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am a professional performer!. I do not recommend consuming alcohol as a way to calm nerves before a presentation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com