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Question: Beginner Guitar Problems!?
where should i go online for free video lessons!?!?!? all answers are appreciatedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

But look; if you're a beginner, online lessons won't do what you need most, which is to look at your hands and correct the mistakes that you inevitably will make with wrist position and finger placement!.

It's crucial that you get your fundamentals corrected now, because if you wait 'til later (1) it will be horribly tough to correct after it's habituated (2) you will limit your progress (3) you might get carpal tunnel or other repetitive motion injuries!.

About a dozen lessons with a decent teacher ought to get your fundamentals right!. After that, you can learn from Youtube, from websites, from books and videos (get 'em cheap on ebay or used bookstores), and from other guitarists you might meet!. I'd try to find several instructional resources and try 'em all, keep the ones you want and ignore (re-sell!?) the ones that don't work for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with TR!. You need a teacher!.

We probably always say it and it may sound like a cliche, but teacher will really help!. (You wanna learn the same thing in 5 years or in 5 months!?!?)

Oh, and I'm not a crazy 70yo classical music teacher, I'm a metalhead (mostly play metal, but my soloing is build on my blues experience and I love blues as well), yet tell you to get a teacher, learn how to read music and learn some basic theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go on youtube but say a prayer also!. If you know nothing about the guitar, get a beginners book and look at the hand position and how to hold the instrument!.
Youtube is for people who can play the instrument a little, at the very least!.Www@QuestionHome@Com