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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can i sing from miii nose?

Question: How can i sing from miii nose!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
noo!.!.!.you don't want to sing from your nose!.
first, make sure you are singing from your nose!. sing normally, then sing again with your fingers pinching your nose!.
If the sound is much different, you are not singing nasally!.
In my experience, to stop singing from your nose you need better support!.
lay on the ground with a book on your stomach and see how it goes up and down as you breath!.
Now, stand up and place your habd over your diafram and breathe, making sure your stomach is pushing against your hand!.
Relaxing the back of your throat, like a yawn, and make sure you have good singing posture,
this should help your singing!.
ask a music teacher if you have any more questions
hope this helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com