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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Isit possible to play the piano by memorising the keys ?

Question: Isit possible to play the piano by memorising the keys !?
I do not Know how to play the piano nor read the scores!. Isit possible to memorize how the others play it and play it yourself !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Everyone memorizes the keys of the piano/keyboard!. You just remember each set (example C chord), and then how many keys the piano/keyboard has equals the number of different levels of C chord!. So, for each three black keys, you can play a different level of C chord (as well as many other chords)!. I think a full is 78 keys, and there are some with about 56 keys!. You need to learn music theory (notes), as for piano, that is the best way!.
If you are asking about watching others play and then trying it yourself purely off of sight, many have learned how to play piano that way, but it might be harder!. I would suggest getting beginning keyboard/piano books, and getting a good keyboard (full set of keys if you can) that you can learn on!. You can buy books on music theory and learn how to read and play notes!. They also have books that will just tell you the chords of what is being played at the time, so instead of tablature, where each exact note is written out, it will look like " G, D, E!.!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

To the play the piano well or even competently, one has to learn how to read music!. No matter how good your ear is, you still have to learn the fundamentals which means reading music, understanding rhythmic notations, developing good keyboard geography, developing good technique and developing good aural skills!.

You can't just play the piano by memorizing keys!. Without a well developed ear and reading skills you won't get any where on the piano!. Plus you need to know how to move your fingers and to develop the independence in your fingers!.

You can develop excellent keyboard geography which will allow you to not look down at the keys but then you need to look at something which would be music! A good ear doesn't come without understanding how to read music, intervals, knowing how to hear scales and triads!. It is much more complicated then anyone here has said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is it easier to memorize poems in English or Swedish for you!? Probably English!. People do memorize large amounts of piano music but it's because they already understand many musical structures and are actually putting together theses structures in their minds, not each individual note!. It's not impossible to memorize music without knowing how to read it or the names of the keys, but everything you do know would greatly improve your ability to do it, just like learning Swedish would make memorizing Swedish poetry much easier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's called learning by "rote"!. Lots of people learn this way!. Nearly everyone who can pick out "Mary Had A Little Lamb" or "Chopsticks" learned it by rote!. Yes, you can learn songs this way!. But, if you claim to anyone that you can "play the piano", they will most likely expect you to either read music or understand chords, scales & theory well enough to play "by chords" or "by ear!."

Just know that learning by rote will certainly not take you very far!. You will never get past very simple songs this way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes that is indeed possible but you'll have a hard time unless you can play by ear!.!.(meaning you can recognize the song and play it without scores)

Learning to sight-read helps a lot to play whatever you want without copying others and to have the right rhythm, pitch, and tempo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can do that for simple songs, but you will probably never progress to more complicated songs!. Your best bet is to find a teacher and learn how to read music!. Most piano/music stores will have lessons available!. Call and set up an appointment!.

Learning music isn't difficult, but it does take time!. And like the old joke goes: "How do you get to Carnegie Hall!? Practice, practice, practice!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why memorize all the keys, when they repeat EVERY OCTAVE!? If you know what any one octave looks like, then you know what the keys are for the other octaves on the piano!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

of course!.!.

but you'll need a really good memory!.

proably best to learn the basics first, even though that might seem long winded, but it's worth it (:


you can use that to poke out simple tunes (like me) but not play the really complicated stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com