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Question: Bass Effects Help!?

I just learned how to play 'Hysteria' by Muse, but I can't get the same tone as the actual song!. Right now, I just use distortion, but it sounds too messy!.

Any recommendations!?

Thanks in advanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
And it will!.

I haven't actually heard the sound before, but some friends of mine are pretty stoked about Muse, some of them want to do a couple covers of them!.

Anyways, I was pretty sure I knew what the sound was and how to get it, but I did a few seconds of 'net searching to back it up!.

According to at least one of the sources (and backed up by my ear) there are actually three sounds going into the bass you're hearing - one clean, one dirty, and one synth!. Apparently this guy runs one amp clean, one amp dirty, and has a synth line doubling him!. What you hear is a blend of all three!.

The most basic approximation would be blending a small amount of distortion into your clean signal!. If your amp has an fx loop with a blend or mix knob you could do it there, otherwise get a blender pedal (Radial Axis, I think Boss has one, Fender Blender I think, etc) to do the trick!. Unless, of course, you can run multiple amps at the same time!? Yeah, nevermind, it's not practical unless you've got a big stage or can do it with rack gear!.

You can go one step further and add a bass synth pedal to the mix - if you can blend a portion of that in, that's cool, but put it before or parallel to the distortion, not after it!.

For Distortion pick what works best for you, but I think that a Fuzz (as it says in the article) would give the best results!. Try other pedals for flavor (ie, Metal Zone, Fab Tone, Rat, etc) and you mind find something you like as well!.

I think Boss makes a bass synth - that I don't know so much about!. Start Googling!.!.!.!.

Read the link for further info!.


try a chorus pedal or reverbWww@QuestionHome@Com