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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anybody know any easy love songs I can learn on my guitar?

Question: Does anybody know any easy love songs I can learn on my guitar!?
I'm all about serenading the ladies -haha!. I think that it would be really romantic and girls would like it!. I got my guitar as a Christmas present and I've learned a couple of songs!. The song that I am most proud of is Collide by Howie Day!. I learned the whole thing!. I'm also working on You and Me by Lifehouse, but I would like to learn more!. I've tried a couple but they all have been too hard because my skill level isn't that great!. Does anyone have any suggestions!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try any Secondhand Serenade song!. They're all love songs and they're amazingly easy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can try looking through bob dylan or neil young tracks, their really easy to play!.

and if you wanna learn some fast songs, you know, just for fun, definitely try learning some songs by the ramones!Www@QuestionHome@Com

look at www!.sheetmusicplus!.com I use them for a lot of music I can't find elsewhere because they have the best library I know of!. You should get more ideas there than you can ever useWww@QuestionHome@Com