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Question: Better Guitar Playing!?
I know chords and power chords but most songs are played with different techniques more involving all four fingers!.How can i learn to play this way!?Sites or Hints accepted!.lol

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Buy a good guitar chord book having at least 2,500 chords listed!. You need an instant reference to chords without having to go on-line to get them!.

2!. Learn to read music notation and understand basic theory!.

3!. Many of the chords shown on the grand staff* and played by the piano can be duplicated on the guitar!. Some cannot because of the varied range of a piano!. Yet much advantage can be gained by understanding and playing the piano chords on the guitar!.

*The grand staff is the coupled treble and bass clefs that the piano plays in accompaniment or soloing found on common sheet music!.

The key to advanced guitar playing is doing much of it through reading music notation!. Tablature is fine up to a point, but music theory is the best way to go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a you gotta learn it all!. Get a chord chart with finger diagrams!. Start with the first three!. Learn to finger them, and change between them, without missing a beat!. Take the next three!. Whether they sound good together or not isn't the issue here!. Then play the first six together without missing a beat and so on!. You should be able to move quickly and CLEANLY through all the chords on the chart in 1 month of practice!. Remember don't try and force you fingers into position!. Keep em loose but firm!. Look at your fingers in patterns too!. Example is a "d" chord is a triangle!.
example is an "a" chord is a line
example a "B" chord is an upside down triangle!. That sort of stuff!. It helps to group your fingers in "shapes" as you go from chord to chord!. Hope that helps!. Guitar playing is impressive because people know how much work and dedication goes into becoming an accomplished player!. It takes work!. Hard work sometimes!. Painful on the fingers sometimes too, but all worth it in the end!. Keep it up!. Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

You just have to practise!. Learn some riffs and how to palm mute, it'll help!.

Led Zeppelin - Black Dog, Whole Lotta Love, Living Loving (She's Just a Woman), Heartbreaker
Deep Purple - Burn, Smoke on the Water
Judas Priest - Breaking the Law, Victim of Changes
Megadeth - Angry AgainWww@QuestionHome@Com

just play more and invent new things on your guitar or maybe watch several videos that contains these kind of guitar open chords etc!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bar chordsWww@QuestionHome@Com