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Position:Home>Performing Arts> The most dramatic, cinematic moment of your life???

Question: The most dramatic, cinematic moment of your life!?!?!?
Yes, life does imitate art sometimes!.!.!.more than art imitating life!. Tell me about the most dramatic moment of your life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A fight me and my best friend in high school got into!.!.!.!.it was out at this little redneck village where we'd gone to a party (we were considered townies)!.!.!.my friend got into an argument with one of the locals, and they got into a scuffle and my friend basically knocked the crap out of him!. We were leaving anyway, but when we got down to the car, half the friggin' town was ready to beat the crap out of us!.!.!.and they did!.!.!.!.I'm still not sure how we got out of there alive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have to say this winter!. Seven students from our local high school were killed along with a teacher in a motor vehicle accident on their way home from a basketball game!. They decided to hold the funeral for the seven young men together, in the local civic centre(arena) because of the volume of people who were affected and wanted to attend the funeral!.

You can imagine how many people fit into a huge arena!.!.!. and it was packed!. The opened another arena in the building with monitors to see the service in another part of the building!. People stood outside who couldn't get in!. Even so, you could have heard a pin drop in the building!.

When the families of the young men were lead up to the seats by their caskets, without anyone telling anyone to do so!.!.!. everyone in the whole building stood up!. There was a loud "swoosh" sound of 2000- 3000 people all standing up at the same time - other than that, the whole place was totally silent!. Just amazing to witness!. That was the most dramatic and sad moment of my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Back in Secondary School, I was massively bullied!. One day I was coming come from school, I aways ran because I couldn't get away fast enough!. This one fateful day I got to the crossroads 100 metres from the school gates!. The bus was pulled out so I couldn't see traffic going from left to right in front of me!. I should have waited but fear made me take the chance that nothing was coming!.

I started to cross the road, I got to in front of the front of the bus and saw a silver car coming down the road!. I ran for the middle of the road where there was a Island!. Then nothing, for what seemed like an eternity!. People after said that I was kneeling and praying on the Island, but then next thing I remember was the driver of the car, picking me up and taking me to the other side of the road!.

After swapping details and asking if I needed an ambulance, a teacher from the school said I was find to go home!. So I continued to walk home, with two people from my school, in my year!. I got half way down the hill and collapsed!. When I got home my mother was waiting and we went straight to hospital!. While the doctors didn't find anything wrong, I would several years later discover that I had a serious problem with my legs!.

While I can't think of a movie parallel I do think I could make one out of the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com