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Question: Ok!.!.!.French Horn help!?!?!?
well, the high school region music for next year with a French horn has ABOVE THE LEDGER A'S AND B FLATS!!!
i can play a pretty strong G!.!.!.and i need to have the a and b flat down by tryouts in December!. I REALLY WANT TO MAKE REGION BAND PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
how do i hit these seemingly impossible notes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.AIR!!!!!!!!!!!! lots and lots of air!. take in a deep breath from ur diaphragm (make an O sound) and breath out with a HO sound!. You should feel your stomach expand and contract, NOT YOUR SHOULDERS
2!. drop your bottom jaw and open your lips, it lets more air through
3!. don't tense up!. high notes are as high as you let them get, tensing causes you to close your throat and not get enough breath support
4!. practice starting on an Eb (bottom line in the staff) and slurring in 16ths through and Eb scale and hold the upper Eb, repeat going up chromatically (E, then F, F# and so on) up to C starting an octave lower allows you to start with your embouchure open, don't reset it on the way up, thats why you slur fast
5!. purchase The Art of French Horn Playing by Philip Farkas, it is a must have for any horn player!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try practicing with the back of your head propped against a wall!. This technique develops a better embouchere, which is the main thing--you'll develop range and tone faster that way, too!. (now, don't practice EVERYTHING that way--just exercises and scales and arpeggios, etc!.)

Practice scales that take you up to the high G and then try going beyond!.

Look for books with high-range studies for F horn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Lots of air
2!. Practice using only your mouthpiece trying to hit the high notes
3!. Work up to it gradually (play F#, G, G#, A in quarter notes)
4!. Try improving your overall playing by practicing in your comfortable range every dayWww@QuestionHome@Com