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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Stressed. I can't double tongue on the trumpet. Need Advice please!!!!!!?

Question: Stressed!. I can't double tongue on the trumpet!. Need Advice please!!!!!!!?
Whenever I try it, it should sounds like blah blah blah instead of ta ka ta!. I can't get it to sound clear or even sound like I'm trying!. My private teacher thinks I'm blowing it off!. I JUST CAN'T GET IT!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The "Ta Ka" sound forces your mouth to open wide, which is good for double tonguing low C and lower, but is difficult at best for higher notes and will leave you mouth confused and tongue tied!. How can you focus your air stream down the lead-pipe when saying vowels that force your mouth to open wide!? Change your vowels!. Free buzz a middle G (no mouthpiece)!. Remember how your mouth feels!. Single tongue (Tu, Du or similar) while blowing a steady air stream into your hand!. Keep the air focused!. Once you find how to keep that air stream steady with single tonguing with the front of the tongue, try recreating that same sound and air stream using the back of your tongue (Ku, Gu, or similar)!. Play through your band music using the back of the tongue as if double tonguing!. Try to get your Ku/Gu to sound thee same as your Tu/Du!. Practice slowly, quarter = 60, double tonguing 8th notes!. When the articulation sounds the same for both notes, move the metronome up 1 notch!. Repeat!. No magic cure, focused air stream, slow practice and repetition!. Good luck, you'll get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, this is gonna sound stupid, but it works!. Start saying Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty, then when you can do that rapidly and smoothly, start saying kitty, kitty, kitty kitty while you buzz your lips!. When you have that down, put the mouthpiece, just the mouthpiece to your lips and start doing the same thing!. You can work your way into doing ta ka ta, but kitty kitty kitty is much more natural and your tounge already knows how to do that!. Give it a few days and see if it helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry I'm vocals and pianoWww@QuestionHome@Com