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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Les Paul Special 2 guitar, the bridge?

Question: Les Paul Special 2 guitar, the bridge!?
i have the les paul epiphone special 2 and i just changed the strings, and i noticed the bridge or that big silver bar and the little silver bar next to that can be adjusted up and down!. What does adjusting those 2 things do to the guitar or the sound it makes!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You probably won't need to mess around with that too much, because Epiphone generally set their guitars up fairly well!. Not as well as Gibson obviously!.!.!.

Basically, the large screws each end of the tailpiece (the big metal bar) adjust the string breakage zone of each string!. Leave them alone!.

But the smaller metal bar, the part the strings touch before going over the top and being secured to the tailpiece, is far more important!.

By setting each individual tiny screw in front of each string, you will adjust the intonation (the 12th fret harmonic should sound exactly like the 12th fret being played!. If it doesn't, flatten or sharpen the intonation using those screws to get the guitar PERFECTLY in tune!. Not many people mess around with this!.) And the big screws each side of this part (this is the actual bridge) adjust the action height!. If you find the strings buzzing when you play them, raise the action, or if you find pressing the strings down is a bit too hard, lower the action to bring the strings closer to the fretboard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it changes the tone sounds from the strings!!!
and your right that is called the bridge!!
congrats on getting it right!Www@QuestionHome@Com