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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Have you ever performed on stage ? Did you like it? would you do it again?

Question: Have you ever performed on stage !? Did you like it!? would you do it again!?
I have several times and I loved it!. But I actually like working in the props dept better!. I love having to find those certain special things that a play must have to make it authentic!. It becomes a big fun scavanger hunt sometimes!. I love that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you are very lucky 2 be able to stand up in stage and preform properly, a lot of people (including me) have glossophobia, to b more xact, 3 out of 4 ppl, its when your scared of preforming in front of ppl, so when i got up on stage once, i think it wuz whn i was in grade 7 or smthn i got a bit of a panic attack!.!.!.so i cant say the xperience was exactly 'fun' but i do enjoy working back stage, i get wht u mean when u hv to work w/props nd make the stage the perfect canvas for the perfect preformances to take placeWww@QuestionHome@Com

i've been performing on stage for quite a few times cox im in the dance society and some other times to demostrate gym moves etc!.!.
i like the feeling of satisfaction after every performance!.!.
cox it's like you've trained hard for it and now you've finally got the chance to show others the result of the effort you've put in!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my 7th grade I sung in course------ In my 8th grade I had the comedy lead ---- In my 9 th I had the opera lead[ I use to sing high soprano] Now I wait for everyone to leave the house before I sing cause I'm so out of tune!.That's what happens "You lose it if you don't use it"!. HA HA HA!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not a really big stage, but a stage at our church for our school Open House!. I liked it ok, and yes I would do it again!. I sang at a Camp of over 400 people!. I was TERRIFIED!!! But, I will most likely be doing it again this year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes many times and i would love to do so again as it builds up self confidence!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com