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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you get an acting agents attention in a cover letter and resume?

Question: How do you get an acting agents attention in a cover letter and resume!?
How do you get an acting agents attention in a cover letter and resume!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You don't!.

You get a legitimate acting agent's attention by having a membership card for Equity, AFTRA, or SAG, good references, and a positive attitude, and a willingness to work at whatever roles they may find for you!.

Now, you might be able to get a scam agent's interest with a cover letter and resume!. But why should you want to!? Are you eager to pay a big fee up front and then be ignored for a year--and then told that next year's fee is due!? Or, are you ready to shell out above-market prices to get photos from the agent's "exlusive" agency, or lessons from their "mandatory" teacher (who kick back some of that big fee to the agent)!? Not my idea of fun!.

Build a career first through education and work; then ask for a good agent through word-of-mouth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com