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Question: Looking for a bass guitar!?
I'm looking for a bass!. It's a first bass, but i'm really good at guitar, and I've tried a couple and picked it up naturally!. I want a good mid-price bass, $300-450!. Not a crapper Squire Precision, but not a 1960s Precision either!. Any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My husband said to try an Ibanez, He is a guitarist/bass player as well, and he said that Ibanez makes some great basses, so try that out maybe, theyre of pretty good quality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, you could go for a Hofner bass, that was my first bass!. Whatever you do though, do NOT buy an Ibanez because Ibanez crams too much "technology" in one instrument (i!.e!. paper thin necks, fast action, e!.t!.c!.)!. My first bass was a Hofner, and I still use it today because of its good quality, and tone!. If you don't like that "classical" look, than, the next best thing is an Epiphone Thunderbird (most models are the same)!. I usually recommend those basses to beginners if they have a very low budget!. But, you really have to go for the Hofner, it's sexy, and has a beautiful tone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a Peavy Bass with really good pick ups and it sounds great!. An Ibanez or the Epiphone Les Paul have a nice sound too!. If you can find a cheap used one the Fender Jazz would be an excellent choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've had great results with a recent purchase of an Epiphone Thunderbird, for $299!. very versatileWww@QuestionHome@Com