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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Anyone got a fingering chart for double french horn F? (has the tumb key)?

Question: Anyone got a fingering chart for double french horn F!? (has the tumb key)!?
it has 4 valves

and image is good!.

can someone also give me or type a scale out for me!.- the one i play during the concert Bb

dont say get it from the teacher or stuff like thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is a nice simple one that I hope could help!.

You know, when you say it has 4 valves that worries me!. Are you sure it is a double horn in F and Bb or maybe one of the 4 valve Bb horns that have flooding the country!. This makes a big difference in fingering!. Does it have an upper set of valve slides and a lower set too!?Www@QuestionHome@Com