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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Who knows the fastest way to learn how to play the guitar?

Question: Who knows the fastest way to learn how to play the guitar!?
My friend is going to teach me how to play it, but I also want to learn it by myself!.!.!. Is there a easier way for me to learn how to play it on my own!?!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
okay, to learn to play a guitar!. Well it may seem so slow, but it is fast!. All you do is just learn the B flat scale!. You can get a tutor for it!. Although for you it may seem like forever, you will be doing much more!. So maybe within 6 months to one year of practive you can now finally do most of the stuff you want to do!.!.!. well as long as you know the strands and keys, you can do anything withing a few days or weeks with hard practice!

Good Luck
Best answer = me
haha jk
Good Luck one more time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get a real teacher if you REALLY want to learn!. If you think you can learn on your own, then eventually you will have to PAY a teacher to help you unlearn your bad habits!. A teacher is the quickest way to learn the guitar and FREE lessons on the internet are worth less than what you pay for themWww@QuestionHome@Com

Get a song book that has the chords in it (especially a chord chart so you can look up the ones you don't know) and practice going from chord to chord!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya learn basic chords and basic scales!.
i say blues scales!. =)
then mix it up!.
