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Question: Anybody play drums!?
I've played for almost one year and I LUV DRUMS!!! But anyways!.!.!.I want to improve more!. Do any of u pro drummers have any advice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Keep working on your 5, 7 and 10 stroke rolls, paradiddles, flams, buzz rolls and etc!.

2!. Keep working on your stick control, speed and keeping time!. The most important thing you learn from drumming is to keep your timing down real solid of all!.

3!. Keep on practicingWww@QuestionHome@Com


I've been playing for 7 years now and the best piece of advice I can give you is to get the basic down first!. Work on your timing (playing to music, or with a metronome etc), your basic rudiments (use google search),, dexterity exercises making sure you're competent with both arms and both legs!.

Once you have the essentials in place, you'll be able to improve at a greater rate than if you just sit there bashing without knowing what you're doing!.

There are plenty of good drumming websits out there, try searchig for some with a search engine such as google!.

also, if you can try and find out about some of the great drummers from the past, i!.e Buddy Rich, they have plenty to offer in terms of ability :)

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Keep practicing, read as many books on drumming you can find, have fun!.

Listen and play to different kinds of music, it will give you more to choose from to sharpen your skills!. (Except for hip- hop most of that is just drum machines!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com