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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What do you think is the best talent someone can perform in a pageant?

Question: What do you think is the best talent someone can perform in a pageant!?
My friend is going to join a beauty pageant!. But she was having a hard time thinking what to present on the talent portion!.!. She is a good dancer ,a good singer, and she is so good in declaiming!. If she will choose dancing ,she doesnt have any steps yet and she cant find a trainer, if she'll choose to sing - she doesnt know what to sing, and if she'll choose to declaim, she cant find a piece that is in tagalog cause she if she'll declaim she wanna declaim a tagalog piece!. hmm!. she was planing to do these 3 in just 1 performance, do you think it's possible!? how!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
She can do anything she wants to jsut as long as it's out of the box!. As part of the audience, I've watched countless girls sing, dance and do other talent acts in an awkward manner and it was very irritating!. I an tell you they got lots of laugh but the crowd was not laughing with them, we were laughing at them!. It's okay to do whatever talent you want to do but make sure you're good at it!. I'd give my vote to anyone with a decent talent act than someone trying to juggle with something she can't do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com