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Question: Seymour Duncan Fans, please help!.!.!.!?
Seth Lover Model

I read that these are no good with high gain!.!.!. can anyone expound on this a little!?

I have a GL ASAT Bluesboy guitar that came fitted with a Seth Lover in the neck position!. I think it sounds pretty wicked with on fully cranked high gain, then again, I am using a small 30 watt practice amp!.

Will this pickup start to sound crappy at 100 watt or !.!.!. what!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If it sounds good on a small amp, it's reasonable to expect it to sound decent on a bigger amp!.

The pup that makes a sweet crunchy rock tones isn't usually going to do metal the same as the pup that's voiced for sick death metal!. What I mean is "no good with high gain" might be coming from someone who wants one thing, but you want another!.

"Good with high gain" depends also on the guitar, the amp, and of course the genre!.

And pickups rarely sound bad through tube amps, I'll say that too!.!.!.


All I can tell you is that I have a Seymour Duncan JB humbucker in my ^69 Les Paul and if I play it through any of my amps it always sounds good!. By the way I don't have a 100 watt amp but I do have a 50 watt Marshall (TUBE) and it sounds awsome!. also it sounds awsome through my 12 watt (Transistor) Marshall!. They are a great pick-up maker!.Www@QuestionHome@Com