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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are some good ways to practice a guitar for beginner?

Question: What are some good ways to practice a guitar for beginner!?
I just bought an electric guitar and I need some good practiceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm lead guitarist and vocalist in a band and i play by ear and taught myself!. The best way i practice is to pick a song that you really want to learn and stick with it and listen to it and try to figure out what notes are being played by playing what you think is close and use guitar tabs to check yourself and try diff rent things in the song!.and you will very soon be good enough to play whatever comes to mind!. Here is a web site to use to get free guitar tabs for any song you want to play!. Hope this helps Good Luck Play Hard, ROCK ON!