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Question: Stage Obstacles!?
i sing\scream in a band, its a metal \ southern rock thing!. anyway, when im onstage i cant really hear myself, is there anything i can do!? maybe earplugs!?
also, my head also hurts too, and i feel crappy, would water prevent this or am i breathing wrong!? please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, use earplugs and your headache is cause of the audience screaming or the other noises coming from the band!. I should know!. I'm a singer, actor, little bit dancer myself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps you could place an amplifier behind you!? That would allow you hear yourself better, because since your voice is projected outward (both through the microphone, and without) you'll really never be able to hear it exactly as the audience does!. As for the headaches and such, perhaps it is nerves!? I'm sure your nervous when you play a gig!. If your playing a small venue, then it could be too loud for you, and then ait might be a goot idea to wear ear plugs!. also are you screaming properly!? If you don't you could damage your vocal cords!. There are many resources online to teach you how to scream properly!.

Hope this helps a bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com