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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What kind of acoustic guitar should i get if I'm looking to spend around a g

Question: What kind of acoustic guitar should i get if I'm looking to spend around a grand!?
Looking for something fairly easy to play, the lower the action the better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are several fine guitars just under the $1000 mark!. The Taylor 214 is a fantastic guitar ($750), available as the 214ce with a pickup for $999!. It is beautiful to look at with sound to match, with a wonderfully balanced tone from bass to treble!.

The Martin 000-16GT ($999) is equally wonderful, with a balanced tone and a beautiful appearance in a comfortable instrument!. Don't believe anyone who tells you Martins are overpriced; that's nothing more than an urban legend!. I've been playing guitar and specifically playing Martins for 45 years and they continue to make wonderful, reasonably priced instruments!. They have too many competitors - especially Taylor Guitars - to allow them to overcharge!.

Larrivee also makes fine guitars in this price range!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Martins are good but overpriced!. In my opinion they tack on an extra $200 just for the name brand!. For the same money you can get a better guitar if you go with a lesser known brand!. Go to a store with a good selection and try a bunch out!. Often the one you like best won't be the most famous name or the most expensive!. I could list other brands but it would be better to go to a store and strum some!.

Good luck!.

Adding: Okay, I'll accept that at the $1000 dollar range Martins are fairly priced (because the competition is very strong)!. I've seen low end Martins ($300 or so) that were much worse than equally priced Seagulls!. I play a Simon Patrick (same parent company as Seagull), which is great and cost $359 new!.

Good question and good answers!. Have fun with your new guitar!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go with a Taylor!. Like the other person said, you can get a new 214, which is a great guitar!. Or you could get a used higher model such as a 314 or possibly 414!. I have a 2003 414ce and it is the easiest guitar to play I've ever picked up!.


Look at Alvarez they're great guitar makers!. Check some of their stuff out I bet they have guitars around your pricerangeWww@QuestionHome@Com

A Martin! You can't go wrong!. Just try one out and bargain down the price!Www@QuestionHome@Com