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Position:Home>Performing Arts> On the guitsr how do u play this (frets)?

Question: On the guitsr how do u play this (frets)!?

you see!.!.what i dont get is how do i play this when its like this
lets say this is the three strings

if string A has no fret number do i still strum it!? lol that has got to me!.!.i can play guitar but easy songs, so i want to no that
Do you understand were im Gettin at!?
Please an thank you!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the first example, the spacing indicates that you are playing one note at a time, not a chord!. However, if it were asking you to play both notes at the same time, you do not play the A string, but rather "mute" it by touching it with one of your other fingers just lightly enough that no sound is emitted when it is played!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Listen to what that guy said: learn how to read music, forget bout tabs!. They aren't any good (people who write them usually make a lot of mistakes and tabs do NOT provide any information on the rhythm, whilst notes do provide you almost everything you need)!. It'll take about five hours to learn it (in the worst case)!.

Anyway, if one note is above another, it means they are to be played simulataneously, if not you play one note and them another etc etc!.!.!.!.if there is no 'number' on the string, you don't strum it!.

Here's some web for reading music (and some more stuff):

If you still don't understand, email me on yahoo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are this new to playing guitar then forget all about those TABs and learn how to read music!. You will be happy you did and, at your stage of learning!.!.!. it won't take that much more effort to learn how to read music!.Www@QuestionHome@Com