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Question: Double bass player wants to learn violin!?
Hi, I'm a double bass player and I want to learn violin!. I actually played for about 5~6months when I was 7 and then I quit!.
I rented a violin a couple of days ago and tried to play!. Well, it's not that hard to play!. much lighter(both bow and instrument), much less wide fingering, and clear sound so I can hear the pitch better!.
Well, I just want to learn positions(I'm sure there are, like double bass), and basic stuff I need to know!.
I wanted to ask some ppl in my school but I feel like I need to pay them at least a little to get answers and have a kind of lesson!.
So I'm thinking getting a book!.
But most of books talk about too much of basics which I already, of course, know!.
Can anyone recommend me a book that's right for me!?
I just want to know positions, maybe fingering, and some other stuff that's essential!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would think that the size and weight difference would be a big adjustment for you, not to mention the different clef, so cheers to you for taking the plunge! I would get Essential Technique for strings (it's green)!. It;s actually the third book in the series, but violins don't get into shifting as quickly as basses, there is less distance to cover so they don't need it right away!. This book will cover positions 1-4, natural harmonics, and some basic vibrato exercises!. If you want good examples of appropriate fingerings, get a Suzuki book!. I'd start with Book 1 there, just to start you off in the right place!.

You may want to meet with a private teacher or the orchestra teacher a few times!.!.!.to check your bowhold and your left hand positioning!. There are some differences between the instruments, and as a bassist you already know that incorrect posture can lead to some serious problems further down the road!.

Best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

never played double bass, but i play violin!. yep, there are positions too!. all for strings is a good book for violin!. it shows the finger positions well but doesn't necessarily explain them!. they are easy enough to figure out!. if i were you, i would ask the band or orchestra teacher at school to help u with any questions!.

good luck~Www@QuestionHome@Com

Internet Resources for Violin Students

Fingerboard chart:

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