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Position:Home>Performing Arts> They say it’s easier to teach a singer to dance than a dancer to sing. What abou

Question: They say it’s easier to teach a singer to dance than a dancer to sing!. What about acting!?
Would it be able to teach a singer to act or an actor to sing!? A dancer to act, or an actor to dance!?

Just a little fun question!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A dancer to act for sure!. Dancing is already a form of acting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some colleages at the Wright State University department of theatre once observed that, when casting a show, they'd found that dancers can fake acting better than actors can fake dancing!.

But if you're talking about teaching someone to do something, then I think it's still easier to teach the dancer to act!. Dance requires a good deal of physical development; you've got to get those hammies stretched out and those quads toned!. Acting, OTOH, can be done by all body types!. You might remember big old John Goodman dancing in the Blues Brothers II movie--in an interview, he said that his dancing was the product of modern special effects :-)

And I'm talking about learning to act or dance at a professional level--yes, we all can "act" in daily life, and we all can "dance" if no one is watching!. But can we cry upon direction like Candace Bergen, or can we excite with our fabulous footwork like Savion Glover!?!?!?

Oh, I get it--this is a "Dancing with the Stars" question and you're looking for a spin-off: "Acting even tho' you're a dancer!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is possible to do both!. There are many people can sing, dance, and act!. It is called Musical Theatre!. I started as a singer, then picked up acting, and with that learned to dance!.
(It is easier to teach a singer to dance then a dancer to sing, because dancers have a way of breathing that is hard to ajust to sing, whereas singers can adapt and keep their breathing somewhat how they are used to while dancers have to change their breathing completely!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

um, well you can teach someone to move and make the appropriate sounds phonetically ( as in for example the background of a school play/musical) but really you either can or you cannot act!. What a good teacher does is facilitate a person to develop their confidence and new skills to add to their repertoire!. For others who have amazing talent the teacher is simply along for the ride!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After long and laborious consultation with Terpsichore, Euterpe, Thalia, and their sister's, The Board of Directors has decided that acting is something we have all done since childhood, and by the time we are adults we have become accomplished liars and actors, so that is the easiest to teach!. As far as singing and dancing, there are some who shall never be able to do them, no matter how hard they try!. As for the rest of us, practice, practice, practice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These are just crazy generalizations!. Mary Tyler Moore was a professional dancer and she had no problem learning how to act!. James Cagney was a song and dance man before his movie career!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Either way the show must go on!Www@QuestionHome@Com