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Question: What is the most difficult instrument to play !?
it is the drums !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I cant believe no one said harp!. Now that is a pain!.

On a lever harp you have to manually change the lever, this means to play an accidental you have to stop playing with the left hand while you flip the lever up or down!. If you miss you have two wrong notes the one you accidental changed and the one you didn't change- every time they come up until you leave something out to fix the mistake!.

Key changes are impossible unless you can get away with only changing a few levers!.

There are only two options per string- this means a natural and a sharp OR a natural and a flat, because the lever can only be up or down!. For significant key changes you have to re-tune the string!.

Pedal harp is easier because you don't use your hands to change keys, you kick a pedal and you can raise or lower that pedal meaning sharps, naturals and flats are available on every string!

However, changing the pedal changes every string with that name, for instance to play a C# I make every C on my harp sharp, to play a C natural even if it's in a different octave I have to change the string again!. And you have to repeat this for every single accidental in the piece!.

Technique is also challenging, getting the hand positions, holding notes on a string instrument (yuck), rolled chords, hand cross overs and that's just the very basics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha definitely not the drums and definitely not the flute!. To the person that said flute, you can't see your fingers for any of the woodwinds unless you are using mirrors while you are playing (and I personally don't know anyone that does that, do you!?)!. I would say either french horn or, believe it or not, bagpipe is the instrument that takes an average of 27 years to master!. And by the way, to the person that said they have perfected the violin in 1 1/2 years, you definitely have not!. Get out in the real world and see if you make it as a musician after playing for 1 1/2 years and you will get a huge wake-up call that you are not as good as you think!. Unless you are a prodigy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It kind of depends on how well you want to play it!. Any instrument takes lots of practice to master!. The more you practice the better you play it!. If you do not have a good since of pitch then go with the piano or guitar or drums!. The violin family takes very good pitch to play, as do some of the horns!. The french horn takes good pitch and that conical mouthpiece creates its own set of problems with harmonics!.
Piano is basically a percussion instrument!. You need no pitch but you had better have good rythm!.
I can tell you that a guitar!. which is fretted so the pitch is not so much of a problem once you tune it, is an easy instrument to play poorly but a very difficult instrument to play well!.
no matter what you play the difficutly is getting yourself to practice through the beginner stage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the most difficult to play is the piano and maybe the pipe organ as there's so much going on with so many keyboards with your hands and feet!.

On the piano, there's the phrasing!.

The most difficult instrument to play WELL is the violin!. Most have to start at an early age!. I sat and accompanied many a Jack Benny impersonator in lessons and people would wonder when that cat was going to die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Guitar and piano are among the easier ones!. String instruments generally aren't so difficult (not saying it doesn't take a lot of hard work)!.

Usually winds are considered the most difficult, especially french horn and oboe!. I play string instruments like guitar and piano, once I've tried recorder and I must admit it's not that easy!.!.!.and that's only recorder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, in my opinion it's the flute!.
you cant see your fingers as you play, therefore you have to memorize the different positions to play notes and how they feel!. When it comes to blowing into the flute, it takes a lot of practice for its a difficult technique!.

I would say being a musician that the violin is one of the hardest instruments to play!. I am a pianist and that's difficult enough, but at least with manuscript you have the treble and bass clef with string instruments, there is an inverted 3 symbol and all the notes are different!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having a teaching degree in music ed and learning to play almost all instruments in college, I have to go with the bassoon!. It is very tough to learn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Violin!. !. !. !.but it is the best !. !. !. !.took me 9 years to play it perfectlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

i dunno why everyones saying violins i played for 1 1/2 years and i perfected it basically

i think it might be the double bassWww@QuestionHome@Com

It has been recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records that the French Horn is the hardest instrument to learn and play!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion it's the pedal steel guitar!. Not only are your hands in use but so are your feet (for foot pedals) and knees (for knee pedals)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Brain Surgeon's scalpel!.!.!. you don't get a second chance to make a mistake playing it!.


A Wurlitzer organWww@QuestionHome@Com


French horn

amazingly hard to learnWww@QuestionHome@Com


skin fluteWww@QuestionHome@Com