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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What can I do with a B.A. in theatre?

Question: What can I do with a B!.A!. in theatre!?
I haven't started college yet (I start 8/25/08), But I'm majoring in theatre!. I really can't see myself doing anything else in life!. I know people are going to say it's stupid to major in something that might not get me anywhere, but I can't imagine my life without acting!.

Anyway, I took a few acting classes downtown for a few weeks!. And I asked the teacher if I could teach theatre with just a B!.A!. in theatre!. He said that he knows for a fact that I could do something like that since he has a B!.A!. and he teaches at some colleges and theatres!.

So, can I teach at theatre's or elementary/preschools!? Or would I also need to major in education!? If I can teach witha B!.A!. in theatre, where at would I be able to teach!? Is there anything else I can do with a B!.A!. in theatre!?

* 10 minutes ago
* - 3 days left to answer!.

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5 minutes ago
I'm 20 by the way!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To teach in the public schools you would need a bachelor's degree in Primary or Secondary Education!. I hold a BSci in English, Speech, Theater Arts and Secondary Ed!., though I became a writer instead of a teacher!.
There is a slight chance you could teach drama at a private school, but if I were a principal hiring a drama teacher I would look for English credits (to demonstrate that the applicant understands the literature of the theater) and an education degree (to show that the applicant knows HOW to teach)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A good number of repertory companies, before hiring, view credentials!. If you have a degree, it means that you don't just know how to act, you can build sets, work lights, advertise, and be generally a useful person to have around!.

also, you will have an edge against people who have never taken any sort of class!. You shouldn't be in college to get the paper, you should be in college to learn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can certainly teach, if you wish!. You could also manage a theater or a group of theaters!. Many small playhouses suffer from bad management, and disappear from the scene every year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com