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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is learning to play the cello difficult? Any method I should buy in particular??

Question: Is learning to play the cello difficult!? Any method I should buy in particular!?!? As in books!. Thanks!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cello is a little more difficult at first, but all instruments are equally hard to learn to play excellently!.

I agree that you need to start with a teacher, and you should arrange your first practices so that they are no longer than 10 or maybe 15 minutes--and do 4 or 6 daily!. Each week, extend the time limits by a couple of minutes, and eventually reduce the number, until you can practice for an hour or more in one daily session without fatigue!.

As for books, it's an idea to buy lots of them cheap--try ebay or a used bookstore!. If the books don't work for you, re-sell them! also look for videos and websites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never played but it shouldn't be that hard, find a teacher and practice like an hour a day, vibrato is very very easy (I play violin) so u will be lucky! Try the Suzuki books about $20 a book but your teacher will pick better ones for you, good luck!

First of all, Suzuki books are NOT $20 each, it's more like $8!. Second of all, practicing an hour a day right off the bat will make your arms and fngers ache like crazy, you may even lose some skin off your fingertips!. Better to start slowly and build up your physical tolerance to the instrument!. I teach cello to both beginner and intermediate players, and I use Essential Elements 2000!. What I would do is get a teacher and set up a session once a week!. As you get more comfortable with the instrument I would then supplement this book with the Suzuki books, just to keep things interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The cello, like all the string instruments, is quite difficult for beginners!. You have to learn to bow the strings which can be very awkward at first!.
You also have to learn where to place your fingers on the fingerboard!. There are no frets like on the guitar so you have to use your ears to tell you if you are on the correct note or not!.

You will need a teacher to learn the cello ; you cannot teach yourself the cello!. Your teacher will have a method that he/she uses and will advise you which books you should buy!.
Different teachers use different books!.

Have patience and practise for 30 minutes every day, gradually working up to one hour per day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com