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Question: How well can I sing so far!?
Hey y'all! My name is Acey, im a singer and performer, and I am self taught, I was just wondering, in your opinion, how well can i really sing from hearing these recordings of mine!?

Please let me know, Thank you!!


There are 6 songs up-

When the stars go blue
I wonder
The Water is wide
When your good to momma
So much better
Beyond my wildest dreams

THANK YOU!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
WOW! So much talent! That face and voice is definately heading to Broadway!.
A few little pointers:
You're a little 'pitchy' but that has nothing to do with your ability to sing!. It's just your breath control and tone placement!.
Train your breath!. You want to take it all the way down to diaphram!. Put a hand on you stomach ( just under your ribs and on you side under your ribs) as you breathe in, your diaphram and stomach should expand!. Nice, long, even breaths!.
Now, have a yawn, a big ol' honkin' one!.!. feels good ,yeah!?
Now, do it again and this time, try and surpress it!.!.!.like you're in polite company!. Can you feel that 'stretched' feeling in your soft palette!? That "open" sensation you have in your mouth is where you should begin for any sound!. Keep your throat open and relaxed!.

Now, as an excercise, forget everything you've just learned for the moment!.
Sing a note!. A nice strong note that you are comfortable with!. Don't think about it, just sing it!.

Now, taking everything that I just said,
Take a nice deep breath, all the way into your diaphram, open you soft palette with the 'yawn' and sing that same note!. It should be a very different sound now!. It should sound fuller and more resinant!.

The most important thing for you to do right now is go and get some professional training!. You owe it to that beautiful voice!. If you have a music conservatory near you, then you should start there!. I would recommend that you take some classical training, not for you sing opera but to get the vocal/breathing techniques down, (I had to sing Mozart for three years, I hated it but, damn I know some awesome techniques now!)

You have a VERY bright future ahead, my darlin'!.
But if I see you anywhere near 'Idol' I'm gunna come over and beat yo' a**(totally joking! LOL)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate operaWww@QuestionHome@Com

your rather good!.!.!.!. great work, im sure you will go far with your voice and looks!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like you have a lot of talent!. Maybe you could have a future in musicals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're going places! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow!. That was pretty good!.

You're old enough to marry!?
No way!

You look like a junior or senior in highschool!.

Good luck with your music! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have a naturally beautiful voice, i would suggest going to a voice coach to just work on minor improvements, Sometimes you are a little nasally when hitting the high notes!. Most things you dont even notice until you get a second opinion, and even though you asked us, a voice coach can give you techniques to use your voice talents to the fullest!. But for having no training, your doing awesome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Girl, with that voice, you belong on Broadway!. You've got a great tone for that style!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seems like I have the less popular opinion here - I personally don't think you have a Broadway voice, or any kind of great singing voice for that matter!. Then again, look at people like Daphne Rubin-Vega - She has a unique and unusual voice, but is a hit on Broadway!. To each his own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com