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Question: Good clarinet mouthpiece!?
What is a good clarinet mouthpiece that is compatible, for example, with the action of a hard rubber Meyer #7 on alto saxophone!. I am currently playing alto and tenor with a band but want to upgrade my clarinet setup so it's easier to switch from one horn to the other!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well my advice would be not to try and match the mouthpieces!. The clarinet embouchure is so different from the sax embouchure, so you don't want to confuse yourself!. I use a very different setup on the sax than the clarinet!. I suppose its because I'm looking for a different sound from each!.

Switching from one horn to the other gets easier with experience!. A similar mouthpiece won't really help because they are different instruments!. The real difficulty is when you've been playing one for a while, then you have to pick up the other and its freezing cold and really flat! There's nothing you can do about this!. The joys of doubling!!

I use a Vandoran M30 mouthpiece on clarinet, a rubber Yani 6 on alto for classical and a Jody Jazz ESP on alto for jazz!. I would highly recommend the M30 for the clarinet btw, but not for the reasons you're asking!. Anyways, go try a few clarinet mouthpieces, but don't compare them to your sax mouthpieces!. I think that's a bad idea, but that's just my opinion!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Define the "action of a hard rubber meyer #7 on alto saxophone"!. This is a personal question that none of us can answer!. Go to as many local music stores and try as many different mouthpieces as you can!. Unfortunately switching between them is hard because while the embouchures are similar, they aren't the same!. You need to find what works best for you and then get that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com