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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What Type Of Harp Should I Get For A Beginner?

Question: What Type Of Harp Should I Get For A Beginner!?
Preferably Something Small Not Too BigWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I presume you want a folk harp and not a concert harp!? Concert harps only come in one size!.

I'm fond of getting instruments that will serve well for a long, long time--the harpist won't be a beginner forever!. So try going to http://www!.larkinam!.com and look at their inventory, get one that's mid-sized if you wish, but make sure it's got sharping levers--those will enable the player to make more progress without having to upgrade!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even a non-pedal harp should be sizeable (4 octaves)!. The smaller the harp, the less music you can do!. If you don't want to go with a full pedal harp, you might want a Dilling model if you can find one!. It's basically a single-action harp but with 7 levers up top instead of pedals, and an octave less on each end!. It can do much (not all) of what a regular concert harp can do, and is much easier to transport,Www@QuestionHome@Com