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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How to get a gig playing in an orchestra for musicals?

Question: How to get a gig playing in an orchestra for musicals!?
This is my dream job, playing for big touring musicals as a saxophone player!. Does anyone have any idea how i could achieve this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Unfortunately it is pretty difficult of a gig to get because there are so many musicians and so few spots!. The best way to possibly start is to look for the website for the musical, and some of them will have an announcement if they are auditioning musicians!. The only other way is to know and play with the musicians when they are at their home city (usually New York or LA) and have them know your abilities!. This way when they get the call and they know the musical calls for another player, they can drop your name!. It is also very helpful to be good at MANY woodwind instruments!. I'm doing Wizard of Oz and I am playing alto, clarinet, and bass clarinet!. The other 3 woodwind players are playing:
Clarinet/tenor sax/flute
flute/clarinet/baritone sax
You also have to be very comfortable changing keys constantly!. I haven't verified it officially, but I am pretty darn sure I play through all major keys, and most if not all of the minor keys!. Ultimately, practice and comfort is the key!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try googling "Instrumental Auditions" and see who is hiring!. You will have to AUDITION!.!.!. so you need to be very good!.

If you have some misguided idea that being a 'Roadie' is a glamorous life!.!. forget it!.!.!. it's a hard life and very demanding!.!.!. physically, emotionally and professionally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com