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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is the violin relatively easy to learn/play?

Question: Is the violin relatively easy to learn/play!?
I'm thinking about buying a violin in the future, but I want to know something!. Is it as easy to play as different string instruments, like a guitar!? If not, what do you recommend as a learning process!? Thanks, your answers are always appreciated!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Kia ora

I've been playing the violin for about 3-4 years now!.
the first year i was rubbish, the sound produced the first few times of playing,truly does sound like a cat wining!.
But i never thought of quiting!. I knew the sound it could produced and was determined to become very good!. I am about grade 6 which i think is really good for the amount of time i've been playing!.

But yes, to to answer your question i found the violin relatively easy to play!.
I think if you love something and have a passion for it then you don't worry about how difficult the journey may be!. If you want to do it just as a hobby, thats probably a different story!.


i would say if its something your going to be committed to , why not but i would say its quite hardWww@QuestionHome@Com

No musical instrument is 'relatively easy' to learn to play!.!.!. it takes formal lessons (or lessons in your school), LOTS and LOTS of practice and dedication!.

Guitar, by the way, is not 'easy' to play - unless you just play chords, even THEN you'd need lessons and lots of practice (not to mention you'd have to play enough to build up the callouses on your fingers so you can play without pain)!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good grief, NO! The violin is VERY difficult to master!.
I suggest you stick with something easier unless you are prepared to spend endless hours of practice for endless years!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The violin is quite difficult to play!. Everybody sounds like rubbish for the first six months until you learn how to produce a decent sound!. You just have to be patient and practise every day!.

You need a teacher for the violin!. It is not an instrument that you can teach yourself like the guitar!. Everything about the violin has to be done right ; holding the bow, holding the violin etc!. If things are not done correctly then it will sound bad!.

Here is site that you can use to get a feel for what it is all about : click on the masterclasses and watch the videos!.


It is a great instrument ; just have some patience when you start learning!. Make sure you get a good teacherWww@QuestionHome@Com

The violin is probably the most difficult common instrument to learn!. You must take lessons for this one!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't play it but I do know that you have to have a good ear for music to be able to play it!. But they're right in saying that no instrument is just flat out easy to play!. It has to be somethign you're committed to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com