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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Anything similar to this song? please help!!?

Question: Anything similar to this song!? please help!!!?
I have been working with The Water is Wide, the Hayley Westerna version, And I am about to record it tomorrow, but I need some other similar song choices since I think I may have found my groove in Classical pieces, So can anyone please help me by giving me some suggestions!?

By the way- I can sing alto to soprano, I really have no limits, so anything will do, But I prefer to sing operattically and not to low, But all suggestions would be extremley helpful

Thank you!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love the song With Songs of Rejoicing by Johann Sebastian Bach!. It's beautiful!. you cand find the sheet music at the location!. It's for Alto and Sorprano but is particurlarlly high!.
