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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are the best ways to get rid of stage fright?

Question: What are the best ways to get rid of stage fright!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think eventually most people grow out of it!. You get used to being infront of the stage and it shouldn't bother you any more!. For me as the Lead guitarist and vocalist for a band usally the first 2 solos I play suck compared to what I can really play!. It takes me about 2 songs to get comfortableWww@QuestionHome@Com

I guess just practice,
start off slowly like in front of one friend or family member
then one or two people
or just rehearse onstage!Www@QuestionHome@Com

breathe, breathe, breathe - slowly - count to 8 as you breathe in then out

also, preparation is the best way to avoid stage fright!. You are less afraid if you are prepared!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get used to performing in front of people!. Perform in front of a few different people to get used to the feel of it!. Deep breaths!. Take a vitamin b-12 pill a few hours before your concert!. It is for circulatory and nervous system and will make you less anxious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Practice a lot! If you know you're good and you're confident in what you're doing, you'll be great! And don't think about the audience and whether they're liking you or not!. You just think about yourself and focus on what you have to do!. Having a nervous stomach or getting that butterfly feeling before a performance is completely normal, even for pros!. In fact, if you don't feel that before a performance, you're probably overconfident and you'll probably end up messing up since you're overconfident that you'll do great!. That's what my drama teacher is always telling us!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to a hypnotist!. That is the only way it would work for me!. It is not that expensive, and if you really have a problem with stage fright, you will be over it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com