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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Who is the main character in the glass menagerie-- Tom, Amanda, or Laura? Why? (

Question: Who is the main character in the glass menagerie-- Tom, Amanda, or Laura!? Why!? (Creative writing schoolwork)!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Tough question although I'd have to go with Amanda for a couple of reasons!.

Thematically, this play is about the effect that this overbearing mother has on her crippled child and a child that she will cripple if he doesn't leave!. She lives in a past that doesn't even exist anymore, much like Blanche DuBois in Streetcar Named Desire!. You could make a case for Tom because he is the narrator in a sense, and he tells the audience in the first monologue that this is a memory play -- HIS memory!. But I still lean toward Amanda!.

ps -- When a movie -- the name escapes me -- was recently made with conversations with actors of a certain era, like Bea Arthur from Golden Girls and Angela Lansbury, the filmmaker asked if there was one perormance by an actor that inspired them and without fail, every single actor and actress mentioned LAurette Taylor who was Amanda in the original production!. They all said things like "she was scary good" and like "it's as if she wasn't acting; like the producers found this woman on the street and brought her inside to do this play about her life!."Www@QuestionHome@Com