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Question: Is playing Piano a lot easier for a guitarist than it would be for a complete beginer!?
I've been playing guitar for almost 4 years now and have been thinking of learning piano for my band!. I've always wanted to learn, my sister and mother both played but always refused to teach me!. I really think Piano will make my music a whole lot easier to build since I can always use MIDI to synthesize bass, drums, and etc!.!.!. rather than just having one singer and two guitars!.

So would it be easier for me to learn Piano since I already have coordination in my left and right hands and since I know all the notes and what order they are in!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Knowing the basic concepts of music would help in learning the piano, but there is next to nothing in guitar technique that carries over to the piano!. Think of how you got to where you are on the guitar -- did you learn it all by yourself, did you get a few pointers from somebody along the way!?

Having the two hands doing different things on the piano is quite a bit harder than anything you've done on the guitar, unless you do a lot of finger-picking!.

From a practical standpoint, playing a keyboard of some sort in a pop-band kind of setting might be relatively easy -- if all you do is figure out how to play melodies with your right hand!. Learning to do it "correctly" (fingers curved properly, knowing how to curl the thumb under to play a basic scale) takes more practice!. And then having the left hand playing accompanying chords is a separate task!. You have to figure out whether you can play relatively straightforward chords (and let the bass player handle the bass line), or play chords that provide a full harmony with the appropriate bass part (which is much harder)!.

But just because your family won't teach you doesn't mean you can't learn!. Find a friend who takes piano lessons (or a music teacher at school) and ask for some basic pointers!. They might be able to listen to what you can already do, and give you some direction as to what you need!. (like private lessons of your own, perhaps)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it would be easier because you have the fingering and stuff Ive played the piano and I'm learning the guitar so i say its better to have the experience with instruments than to just do it like nothin but music is really good so whatever you do just keep on learning its fun!! if you ever need any more advice e-mail me ill all ways be here to helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Because you know a little about theory and chord construction it should be a lot easier that learning cold!. With the piano all the notes are linear, right next to each other!. With the guitar there is a Y and an X axis!. Your knowledge of the guitar will help you understand music theory when you see it all laid out for you on the piano!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if you play the guitart and want to lean how to play the piano you must already know note and what not and if you can read music it will help tremendously!. I think that once you know how to play one instrument playing another one is a lot easier!. I mean piano and guitar are two completely different instruments in the way they sound and the way they are played, I play piano and somewhat of the guitar but I think yes, it will be easier for you!.


The knowledge is very helpful!. As for learning how to play, you'll have it a bit easier, but still it needs a lot of hard work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com