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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Actors/Actress' help me get over my jitters.?

Question: Actors/Actress' help me get over my jitters!.!?
I have an audition/interview later this evening for a position of a lifetime!. An opportunity that would potentially lead to greater opportunities down the road!. I am so nervous and already I am expriencing butterflies in the pit of my stomach and I have a long time before I face my judges!.!.!. I am scared you could say about not getting it, but I am also a little more scared that I will and won't be able to deliver what I have promised!. This new job will have me in front of large crowds, celebrities and a camera constantly; which is what I want to do!.!. how do I shake the nervousness and have a successful audition so that I will land the job!? Mind you there are about 20+ other women going out for this (there is more than one spot open) and I have no expericence, but got chosen to perform in the casting process (which is great!.!.!. and want to knock their socks off!.)

P!.S I already know to be me!.!. which is what I plan to do, but if me is too nervous then I won't come off the way I'd like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Congratulations on your fantastic audition!. Truly, getting a good audition is often the most difficult step in the process! First of all, nerves or jitters are appropriate for what you are going through!. You don't need to try and completely get rid of them, just learn to deal with them so you can give your best performance!.

When you go to your audition, mentally remind yourself that "deep breaths are the secret of life!." This is a funny little phrase that I use, which helps me to remember to breathe deeply!. When you are nervous, your breath becomes shallow and quick!. Taking long, slow, deep breaths will work miracles in calming your nerves, because it will eliminate that feeling of "hyperventilating!."

Though it sounds way too easy, deep breaths make all the difference in the world in controlling your anxiety!.

I actually wrote a blog post on this very subject earlier this morning!. You can read it at http://www!.knockemdeadacting!.com/blog/20!.!.!. !. In the post I explain the exact technique I use to breathe deeply from the diaphragm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Know that there is nothing wrong with being nervous!. It is a natural reaction and you have good reason to be!. What has helped me before an audition is focusing on the aftermath; seeing myself get rave reviews, picturing myself already onstage shooting, and even seeing myself on the red carpet rubbing elbows with other actresses and actors!. Focusing on what's after the audition may relieve some butterflies!. If you know that you are good at what you do and that you are better than most, if not all of the others performers, relax and dwell in your confidence!. The underlying factor of nervousness is doubt in yourself or fear of failure/embarrassment!. Get your attitude right before the audtion!. Don't be cocky, just sure of yourself and what you can do!. All negative attitudes need to be left at home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com