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Question: Guitar/bass question!?
Is following a book really the best to learn guitar(acoustic)!? And where can I find someplace online that has maybe free lessons or a place that gives some good tips for acoustic and bass!? Maybe your own opinion!? Idk Give some advice pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
following a book is okay, but usually insufficient!. probably the "best" way is to find another guitarist to teach you, whether it's a friend or some random person offering lessons!. that way they can pace you appropriately, point out bad habits that a book won't be able to do, and mimic their good habits!. although nothing replaces lots and lots of practicing and determination!.

there are lots of places online that can offer basic instruction, but where depends on what you want to learn!. just do a search for beginning or basic guitar lessons, and you'll find plenty!. besides it's probably better to check out a couple different sites instead of just using one (which if free and online, is probably incomplete)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, some books are okay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

2-string Bass

uhmm!.!. lets see barnes and nobles is good they have a whole sections full of how to play guitar!. but one specific book i recomend is "mel bays modern guitar method grade 1" and as for free websites i found this website a while ago its pretty usefull "abclearnguitar!.com" it really dumbs it down for you and theres a free lessons section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com